News from South Carolina

120 students and staff have safely arrived in Garden City, South Carolina! The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind, but the Lord has proven so faithful to his children.
Student leaders and staff arrived at project on May 30.  They quickly prepared for the disciples to arrive on June 2.  During their time in preparation, they spent time cleaning the motel, praying for Christ to work in the hearts of the disciples coming to project, and enjoying talks that gave practical advise on ministering.  However, through their very full schedule, the leaders also had some time to rest and relax before the new students came.
The new students arrived on project on May 2.  Jobs for the summer were soon designated to them.  After settling in, they too spent time in preparation for the summer.  The students had time to get acquainted with project and their new roommates.  Each student leader, or room leader, has three or four disciples in their room.  This summer we have had more students from CO Minneapolis attend the training project than every before.  This is only due to the Lord's faithfulness and grace to our ministry!

After settling in, we have had  meetings, work, socials, and more bonding time.  Eric Lonergan gives a bible study training talk each friday morning.   This past Friday, many students had excellent questions concerning why they study the Bible.  Eric was able to clearly explain that the ultimate reason we study the Bible is to know Christ more.  Reid Jilek is giving some life training talks on Sundays before church.  In his last talk, he gave biblical reasons and support for why and how, as Christians, we should handle our finances in a godly manner.  Students have been soaking in the talks and learning about the grace that God has for them in Christ Jesus.
There has also been time for fun events, such as our socials, that are held each Thursday night.  Last week, we enjoyed this time playing beach games.  Students and staff were split into three teams, and competed against one another.  One competition was building a sand castle and creating a story to go along with it.
Overall, this summer has had an excellent start! Everything has gone so smoothly. Everyone has been able to transition well.  The Lord is working in the lives of students, revealing their sin and need for Christ. Already, people have become believers! Many students are ready and eager to continue to grow with community this summer!  It is exciting to see how the Lord will be working!