Big O’s First Theme Talk

Mike Owczarek, the project director, affectionately referred to as “Big O”, gave tonight’s talk.  It was focused on the theme of Christ being the name of our righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5-6).  In essence, Big O preached the gospel tonight. I was impacted by the significance of the finished work on the cross—it has been DONE.  We do nothing to gain righteousness; we do nothing to earn salvation; we only believe in Christ.  Righteousness is received as a gift, delivered by grace, and done entirely by Christ.  Jesus + nothing = everything.  God’s righteousness is imputed upon us through Christ’s death upon the cross.  I cannot stress the point.

It is this realization that radically changes the minds of us as believers.  If there is one thing to know from this summer, this is the talk to remember.