Charlie Schumacher

Family, Friends, and Evangelism

Charlie Schumacher starts by sharing the story of how one of his brothers came to Christ and how one of them is still not interested in the Gospel. Charlie then looked at Jesus’ family and how Jesus said that He came not to bring peace between family members but that the Gospel would cause divides between natural families. He explained too that Jesus was the perfect witness to God in His earthly family and yet many of His family members did not believe Him until He was resurrected. He closed by redefining family according to the Bible and Jesus words in Matt 12:46-50.

Evangelism & Everything Else, Total Truth

Charlie Schumacher spoke to us this week about how Christianity is a TOTAL truth, not compartmentalized truth for our lives. He reminded us that we are called to honor and worship God in all that we do. And we are called to not only share the Gospel but MUCH MORE. The overarching purpose of our lives is our sanctification, part of that is to enjoy each other in marriage, to work, to glorify Christ in school and every other arena. Charlie called us to no longer compartmentalize but to glorify Christ in all that we do.

He showed a video from youtube called “Beautiful Earth HD” if you would like to look it up yourself.

Evangelism and Service, Know the Connection

Charlie Schumacher speaks to us this week about the connection between evangelism and works/service. His basic outline was that good works are important to others because they prove you care, give evidence of faith, and God commands us to do it,  He also emphasized that verbal proclamation of the Gospel is necessary, not just good. Lastly, he said that good works should always be done with eternal purposes in mind.