Expecting the Unexpected

When life gives you lemons... spend a day in Chicago.

The CCP team endured a delayed flight in Minneapolis and a log-jammed runway in Chicago, entirely missing our connecting flight over to Manchester, U.K. Thankfully, we were able to secure a complimentary hotel stay for the night and will spend this morning and evening in Chicago before boarding our final flight over to England!


The Lord has been gracious. For reasons we do not yet know, He has seen it fit that we would miss a flight, spend a full day in Chicago as a team, and arrive in Sheffield a full day late. It is a timely reminder as we embark on this trip that God may have different plans than we do, and the test of faith is to trust that God is working all things together for His good (Romans 8:28) and that therefore we can consider trials to be laden with joy (James 1:2-4). The team is in great spirits and we are excited for this detour God has provided! This is the first of many altered plans we will encounter this summer as we seek to glorify Christ and serve our brothers and sisters in Sheffield. Please pray that we would catch our flight and trains today without any issues but, more importantly, pray that the Lord's will would be done with us today!

"The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)

Please also be praying for:

  • Support. Pray that the Lord would bring in the remaining amount of our team's goal.
  • Open doors and connections in Sheffield. This is the third time a CCP has gone to the U.K. and we are trusting the Lord provides open doors to meet students and build relationships.
  • Evangelistic opportunities with the students we meet on campus.
  • Unity among our team, and that we would be resting in the gospel and be able to do ministry out of an overflow of that.
  • Scroll through the pictures that display our activities so far...