CCP Send-Off and Fourth of July

This past weekend, we said goodbye to the India team.  Thursday morning, students woke up early before sun-rise to pray for

those going to India.  On the beach, we spent time praying for the Lord to work in the hearts of Indian students.  We prayed they would be receptive to the Gospel, and that He would graciously protect our team as they travel across the world to further His glory.  Saturday evening, we officially sent the India team off with a short time of prayer in the evening.  We continued to pray that they would be united as a team and that they would find joy in ministering in India.

After a day of rest on Sunday, students got back to work yesterday.  In the evening, Matt Reagan gave a talk on Missions.  He talked about the necessity of declaring His name and making disciples throughout all nations.  He said that we should be praying about where the Lord has us in regards to mission.  Not everyone is called to be a missionary oversees, but as a believer, we should make it our mission for the nations to be reached.  This can be done through praying, sending, or going.  Matt pushed us to see the necessity of missions and encouraged us to truly pray and see how we can play a part in it.

After the talk, most students enjoyed the Fourth of July here in Garden City.  The beaches were crowded with tourists enjoying the fireworks.  The North Project joined the South project joined together to shoot fireworks, and enjoy a patriotic sing-along.  Everyone was able to appreciate  a night of fun and laughter celebrating Independence Day.