2011 North Project

Staff Return

This past Friday, staff returned to Summer Training Project! They are here helping finish up the last week and creating vision for the students' next year on campus. Yesterday, Eric Lonergan and Andrew Knight gave some mini-talks. In the talks they touched on longevity for students. Eric said our primary need in life is knowing Christ.  He said that we should continue to be intentional with relationships, be authentic in communty, and seek the body of Christ.  Eric said that growth is not individual, rather, we should be relying on the body of Christ to see Christ more.

After the talks, campuses split up to spend time together and set vision for next year on campus.  Today, students have the day off and many are spending the day in Charleston. Tomorrow, everyone will continue with our return training. Pray for students to persevere during the next couple days. Pray that they would feel equipped from this summer to go home in August and return on campus in the fall.

Vision to Evangelize

Every year at project, we place an emphasis on evangelism. While down here, students are encouraged to evangelize to their employers, friends, family, and even people on the beach.

Every Wednesday we set aside time for students to evangelize.  Everyone goes out on the beach and shares their faith. From what we have observed, this seems to be an excellent equipping skill for students.  Students are able to learn how to share their faith, their testimony, and explain who Christ is for the sinner.  This is equipping students to share their faith with peers on their individual campuses and in the workplace, both present and future.

Although students mostly share on the beach, some Wednesdays we evangelize in other ways. For example, a few weeks ago, we had students write a letter to a friend or family member back home.  In this letter, they explained the Gospel and the impact it has had on their personal life.  Yesterday, we called someone from back home that we would want to disciple us, minister alongside us, or disciple in the fall.  Students prayed through specifically who they want to be involved with next year.  Our desire is that they would go back to the campus in the fall with a vision to know Christ more in their lives and make Him known to others.

Loneliness in Community

Yesterday began students last week of work for the summer.  We have been blessed to form great relationships with employers and employees and are saddened to say goodbye. However, I am so grateful for what the Lord has done in the hearts of our students working the full-time jobs and in the hearts of the employees. After work, everyone came back to project for the project meal. Ultimate California Pizza was served to all the students.  After dinner, we went to the joint theme training meeting with South Project.

Larry Martini, South Project Student Director, talked about loneliness. He said that within all of us lies a deep longing of not wanting to be alone. Therefore, we cling to relationships, family, friends, and anything else we can grab onto so we don't "feel" alone. On the other side, we guard ourselves because we fear being fully known because we think others will not love us if they know the depth of our sin. Here lies the dilemna.  How are we, as believers of Christ, to love one another and love community while being genuinely sincere and yet not placing people above God?

Larry said that we feel alone when we lack intimacy with Christ. Ephesians 2:13 says, "But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." This is the answer to our deepest heart's longings.  Because of Christ, we are brought back into community with God.  When we are in communion with God we do not have to fear loneliness for He promises to always be with us.  In addition, we can now use community as a means to know Christ more.  In Christ, we have every need and desire both met and completely satisfied. Now, we are freed to genuinely love our brothers and sisters in Christ, and point one another back to Truth.

Men and Women's Time

Yesterday evening, students enjoyed splitting up for men and women's time. Throughout the week, we had boxes for guys to ask questions regarding girls and vice versa.  The women team leaders answered questions the guys had about women.  Likewise, the men team leaders answered questions that the girls had. In the men's time, the team leaders addressed the fact that men are to be leaders and lead girls well in relationships. Therefore, they should protect the girl's heart. In addition, the women encouraged the men to grow in their understanding of Christ and seek male accountability. This is an essential lesson for their entire life.  We hope that they would seek Christ and community not just now, but for the rest of their lives.

In the women's tine, the men team leaders encouraged the girls to first find their satisfaction in Christ.  Relationships are a good thing that the Lord created, however in and of themselves, they do not fulfill.  Relationships are to point us to Christ and seek fulfillment and love in Him.  They encouraged girls to seek women accountability in their lives and seek satisfatction in Christ.

Both the men and women's time turned out to be highly beneficial and informative for the guys and girls.  Our aim is that they would both be satisfied in what has been done on the cross for their behalf.  From that, we hope they would be able to engage in healthy relationships with their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Jobs Social

Last evening, we held our Jobs Social.  About 100 employees and employers came to enjoy fellowship with the students and hear a gospel message.

Everyone enjoyed light snacks and lemonade in the beginning.  Then, students performed skits relating to their job responsibilities.  For example, Wal-Mart student employees performed a skit in which they broke into dance and imitated their daily individial job duties.  After the skits, Greg Morse, a student from University of St. Thomas, presented a gospel message.

By holding this social, we hope to minister to the local employees and employers that we work with. Students have been able to build relationships with their employers throughout the summer.  Many have shared the Gospel with fellow employees. Our goal is that students would learn how to share their faith in the workplace. We also pray that fellow employees would come to know Jesus Christ as Lord.

End In Sight

In a little more than two weeks, we will be heading back to the midwest.  It is a sobering reality that this summer will soon be coming to a close.  However, I feel overwhelmingly thankful and incredibly grateful for the growth that has happened in the lives of students this summer. Cassie Weber, a Bethel University Junior, talked about the impact that Christ has had on her this summer. She said, "I am continuing to learn more of His grace to me.  As a room leader, I often see my selfishness. However, in those moments of seeing my sin, I run to Christ and trust that He continues to love me despite my selfishness. I am growing in understanding His incredible grace for me."

Joel Edwall said, "I've learned that there is nothing to life apart from Christ. I've realized how undeserving I am of His goodness to me."

Allison Substad, a Bethel Sophmoroe, said, "I think I've realized just how sweet it is that the Lord looks at me with love.  Because of Christ, He is always singing over me and delights in me."

These are just a few things that students are saying they have learned.  It is amazing to see the growth that has happened this summer thus far.  I have heard multiple times from students that, for the first time, they understand clearly the Gospel and what it means for them.  It is my prayer that we continue to grow in knowledge and understanding of Christ.  Please pray that we would continue to persevere this summer. Pray that the hearts of students may be changed forevermore because of what they have learned about Christ.

3 John 1:4,"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

Community and Rest

Yesterday, students enjoyed a day of rest.  After church on Sunday, the entire project spent a day of resting.  Yesterday, students chose to go to the pool, play sport games, nap, watch the World Cup Soccer game, and simply relax. In the morning before church, students split into groups with their campuses.  In the Northwestern group, Northwestern students talked about their plan for ministry in the fall.  Everyone shared where they are desiring to spend time next year in order to build relationships and tell others of the Gospel. We then spent time praying for the Lord to continue working in our hearts and give us strength to tell of His glory to other students.  We prayed that the Holy Spirit would be softening the hearts of students at Northwestern to hear and full-heartedly accept Truth.

After our campus times, everyone went to church.  There are three different churches that those from our project attend.  We attend Garden City Baptist, Garden City Chapel, and Pine Drive Gospel.  Students are divided into their teams and regularly attend one of the above churches.  We have continued to build relationships with people from the churches, and thoroughly enjoy being part of a congregation during the summer.

Whose Line is it Anyways?

Thursday evening, everyone from our project got together to enjoy our weekly social.  This week our social was "Whose Line is it Anyways?"

Almost all students from our project participicated in playing the game.  Students were divided in groups of four people, encompassing both guys and girls. One the games that was played from the hit TV show was The Alphabet, where contestants act a scene with each sentence starting with successive letters of the alphabet. Another game that was played was Scene With a Prop where contestants are given a prop and must act out a scene including the prop.  Many different games were played throughout the evening.  The night turned out to be very humurous watching students playing the different games. After the game, students enjoyed watching the movie, Heavyweights.


Yesterday, Joe Johnson gave a talk on mercy ministries.  He stressed the importance of loving and serving others around us. As a follower of Christ, we are called to give to the needy.  Yet, so often in our lives, we neglect that aspect.  He gave three reasons why we do mercy ministries.  First, it is commanded. Second, Jesus modeled it for us. Lastly, it gives God glory.  Joe explained that if we realize that we were children of wrath, we would be in awe of the fullness of forgiveness that Christ has for us.  We have absolutely everything because of Jesus Christ! True knowledge of this should transform every aspect of our lives, including giving and serving those who are needy.

In regards to this, John Piper states, "We do not love people so that we can be adopted, we love people because we have been adopted."

After the talk, we went back to Project.  There, we served the motel owner, Greg, by cleaning the entire outside area.  He recently had a heart attack and has been unable to do much upkeep with the motel.  All the students worked in the heat of the day in order to serve Greg.  We pray this is incredibly encouraging to Him, and that we would be able to speak truth to Him. We long to be witnesses of Christ in both word and deed.

Vision and Vigilance

Last evening, Zach Simmons, our North Project Student Director, gave our Theme Training talk.  He talked about our need for discipleship and community throughout the entirety of our lives. North and South Projects met again last night for the combined meetings. Zach's goal, in his own words, was that, "Thirty years from now you would be vigilant in you're relationship with Christ."  He talked about the necessity of growing in Christ and enjoying Him more. He encouraged us to use discipleship as a means to knowing Christ more.

We can search the Bible to find supportive reasoning for the vitality of discipleship in our lives. Philippians 3:17-18 Paul writes to the church of Philippi, "Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ." Paul urgently tells the church to imitate him so they may not walk as enemies of Christ.  Paul is in no way desiring that they idolize him, but he understands the importance of seeking older counsel.  When we imitate lives that reflect Christ, we can come to know Christ in a deeper understanding.

Hebrews 3:12-13 talks about exhorting one another daily so that we may not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. This leads us to conclude that honest and true community is essential in the Christian's life.  In addition, imitating others above us is beneficial to our growth.  Zach finalized the talk by discussing the importance of discipleship rather than evangelism.  Yes, our goal is evangelism and the world being reached with the truth, but we need to be making disciples.  By discipling others we can equip them to walk in a manner worthy of Christ and reach others with the gospel.  The ending in reality is two fold.  As we long for Christ we can seek out discipleship for ourselves and disciple others in the gospel.

Decade Bowling

Thursday evening, we held our annual Decade Bowling Social.  The night proved to be an exhilarating night of dressing up, bowling, and coming back to project for ice cream cones. Everyone dressed up according to their teams. Team Dougie dressed up as the 90's, Team Strike Force as the 80's, and Team Fun, Fun, Fun as the 70's.  Most students planned a trip to the local Goodwill store during the days leading up to the event.  Students had an enjoyable time dressing up as outlandish as possible.  Once at the bowling alley, a guys room was paired with a girls room and they competed against one another.  When the bowling was over, students came back to the project where the team leader girls scooped fudge icream out for everyone.

Everyone enjoyed a night of silly dressing and fun bowling.  Here are some pictures from the evening:

Goodbye and Hello

This past week, we said goodbye to the staff team.  The staff team left Wednesday morning to raise support for the next month.  Project is now completely student-led. I am encouraged to have already seen student leaders stepping up.  It is exciting to see how the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of students. Please pray for staff as they continue to raise support and the students as they seek to know Christ more.

On Wednesday, Bethel senior, Joe Johnson led evangelism training.  He talked about the reality of hell and how, as believers, we should be living in light of eternity.  This life is short and fleeting, and we have only one hope in Christ.  He encouraged us to tell others of the truth that is in Christ. He alone saves us from eternal wrath.  After the training, students wrote letters to loved ones who may not be believers.

Last night,  the India Team prepared the Project's social.  Students went to Broadway at the Beach, and had a scavenger hunt.   The teams were split up with one guys' room and one girls' room. They were told to do certain things, such as take a picture with a random child, and take a picture laying down in the fountain center.  Everyone had a blast doing outrageous things.  After the social, everyone came back to project to find out the winning team and enjoyed viewing all the pictures that were taken.

India Arrives

This weekend, the CCP India team arrived to our south project in Garden City! We are delighted for them to be here.  They have already begun to share a passion with us for reaching the unreached people groups with the gospel of Christ.

The team arrived on Saturday evening.  They were greeted by friends that were on project.  There is much excitement at both projects with the arrival of the team. Students are full of anticipation to hear of other college students that are eager to spend their summer spreading the gospel to the unreached.

Last night, both projects got together, and the India team gave a presentation.  They introduced the college students that are on the team, and gave testimonies on how the Lord led them to desire to go overseas.  Their testimonies were powerful for us to hear.  It is amazing to see Christ working in lives of college students, giving them vision and passion for reaching the nations.

The team's leader, Jack Thompson, gave a short talk on missions. He talked about God's heart for reaching all nations with His good news.  The Lord does not need us to fulfill His will, but graciously uses us to expand His kingdom on earth. Matthew 28:19 says,"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations and promises to come back once every tribe and tongue knows His name.

According to joshuaproject.net, there are 2,549 total people groups in India.  Out of those 2549, 2238 are still unreached! That is approximately 88% of the people groups of India that are still unreached.  This is a sobering reality to believers.  Jack encouraged us to be active in reaching the nations. We can do this by praying, giving, or going.  As believers, we can play a part in God's plan for all to know His name!

Jack shared his passion for the lost world with us.  We are all blessed to hear how the Lord is raising up laboreres to give their time, lives, and money away for people to know Christ.

Sadie Hawkins

Last night on project, we enjoyed our weekly social.  The social was a fun mix of comical swim routines and group dates.

After work, everyone came back to a delicious meal.  After eating the meal and waiting for the storm to pass, the boys from project performed routines in the pool.  The goal of their routine was to win a girls room.  The girls had an option to accept them or swap them for a different boys' room.  The boys permormed hilarious and outrageous routines, vying for the of approval from the girls.

After the routines were finished, and the group dates were established, the students spent the evening on the group date of which was previously planned by the girls' room.  This time was spent from fun treasure hunts to mini-golfing to beach games.  Everyone loved having a night of funny swim routines and amusable group dates.

Leading and Evangelizing

Yesterday, disciples enjoyed a morning of rest.  As they spent the morning relaxing, the leaders went to leaders training.  Andrew Knight gave a talk on becoming a godly leader. One point he made was that as leaders, we too should always fight to make sure someone is leading us.  As someone pours into us and points us to Christ, we can pour into others and lead them to Christ. During the afternoon, Reid Jilek gave a talk on evangelism to everyone.  We watched a clip in which an atheist made the point, "How much do you have to hate someone to not share your faith?" He said that if you knew for sure that heaven and hell were real, why would you not be urgently telling others of truth? This stuck out to many of us because we often shy away from sharing our faith. However, the reality is startling, that unless people know Christ, they will be forever eternally sepertaed from Him.  This comment gave students much to think about.

After evangelism training, students went out on the beach to share their faith.  This was a wonderful time for students to practice sharing what they believe with others.  Many students desire to continue praying with those that they had shared their faith with.  Even though people may not immediately accepted Jesus Christ as the way to God, it can be seeds that are planted.

Grace Abounds

At theme training last night, Matt Reagan gave a talk on grace.  The Lord significantly used him to articulate the gospel clearly to all of the students in the room. He began with discussing Acts 17:25."Nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." He had us consider whether or not we truly believe this in our everyday lives. The good news is that as believers, we simply receive from Him.  We cannot do anything to add to this, It is finished! He is continually giving to us, and we receive what He has accomplished on the cross for us.

The gospel is clear in the Bible that though we are sinful, Christ came and died on the cross so that we may experience forever the grace of God.  Christ promises to be our advocate forevermore, pleading for us before God.

Matt discussed some barriers in our lives that prevent us from knowing Christ's love for us. We are continually distracted by personal performance and performance from God.  Although we have heard the truth of the cross, we seem to always seek ways to gain approval from both God and man.  Throughout our lives our sinful nature seeks to find ways to turn the gospel into laws.Romans 4:4-5 says, "Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness." No longer do we have to work for God's approval! We can repent of sin in our hearts, and turn to Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith. It is completely FINISHED because of Christ!

After the talk, there was a time of worship and prayer. The room was filled with people worshipping the Lord, praying to Him, and crying over the wonderful news that was so clearly heard.  Back on project, many students were having conversations with others rejoicing over what the Lord is doing in their heart.  Last night depicted so clearly that the gospel truly is the power for salvation. Please pray for the students whose hearts were open to this for the first time last night. Pray that they would continue to be rooted in Christ, bearing fruit.  We are delighted and in awe of God for bringing people to understanding of Christ last night.


A Day of Rest

After a busy week, this past Sunday turned out to be an ideal day for students to rest and relax. After a morning of worship, most disciples spent an enjoyable day relaxing with friends.

Yesterday morning, Stephen Discher gave a talk regarding technology.  He discussed both the benefits of technology and the trappings we often fall into.  He explained that technology in and of itself, is not bad.  In fact, Christ has created all things good. (1 Timothy 4:4)  However, our sinful hearts turn good things into idols.  Therefore, as believers in Christ. we want to be aware of technology as an idol so we can effectively use technology to spread the gospel of Christ.  We want to be faithful ministers of all that the Lord has blessed us with, including technology.

After Steve's talk, everyone split up for campus time. During campus time, students were able to form relationships with other students from their campuses.  After campus time, everyone went to their designated church in garden city.  Sunday morning proved to be an enjoyable time for students to worship Christ.

During the afternoon, everyone spent time relaxing.  Some people went to the beach, some played pool ball, and others went on group dates.  This time was a time for them to re-cooperate before, again, another busy week ahead.  At night, there was an optional worship time where they were able to worship and praise Christ though song. Praise the Lord that he created us to need and enjoy time of rest!

Relationships Week

This week at project we are focusing on the topic of relationships. What does it mean to have a God-honoring and Christ-centered relationship? This was a central question that was highly focused on.

Andrew and Lauren Holbrook gave the relationships seminar.  Andrew Holbrook is the regional director of Campus Outreach Charlotte.  In their talks, they highlighted the fact that relationships are to point us more to Jesus Christ, not merely another person.  In addition, they walked through how biblical marriages symbolize Christ's love for His church.  They also answered many misconceptions our culture has towards relationships.

Many students were encouraged by these talks.  There was much conversation by the students evaluating their relationships and setting goals and guidelines for healthy relationship. Remya Thomas, an international recent graduate from St. Stephens in Delhi, India, was quoted saying, "It's not all about marriage, and It's not about the intimacy we share with a man or a woman, but marriage is a glimpse of the intimacy we will share with the Lord." This thought was what stuck out to her the most from relatiosnhips week.

Remya Thomas is attending our project this summer.  Former Cross Cultural Projects from CO Minneapolis have come to St. Stephens College in the past summers.  They have been able to minister to her and help equip her to lead other women.  We are so blessed by her coming this summer. Last night, students gathered

outside and prayed together for the people of Dhobi, India.  They prayed that these people would hear the gospel of Christ. Remya was able to provide us with insight into the people.

Project was incredibly blessed by the Holbrooks coming to speak about relationships.  Students are excited to grow in godly relationships with one another and in dating relationships.  We are also delighted that Remya is with us this summer. Her being here is a continual reminder to pray for the nations that have not yet been reached with the gospel.

News from South Carolina

120 students and staff have safely arrived in Garden City, South Carolina! The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind, but the Lord has proven so faithful to his children.
Student leaders and staff arrived at project on May 30.  They quickly prepared for the disciples to arrive on June 2.  During their time in preparation, they spent time cleaning the motel, praying for Christ to work in the hearts of the disciples coming to project, and enjoying talks that gave practical advise on ministering.  However, through their very full schedule, the leaders also had some time to rest and relax before the new students came.
The new students arrived on project on May 2.  Jobs for the summer were soon designated to them.  After settling in, they too spent time in preparation for the summer.  The students had time to get acquainted with project and their new roommates.  Each student leader, or room leader, has three or four disciples in their room.  This summer we have had more students from CO Minneapolis attend the training project than every before.  This is only due to the Lord's faithfulness and grace to our ministry!

After settling in, we have had  meetings, work, socials, and more bonding time.  Eric Lonergan gives a bible study training talk each friday morning.   This past Friday, many students had excellent questions concerning why they study the Bible.  Eric was able to clearly explain that the ultimate reason we study the Bible is to know Christ more.  Reid Jilek is giving some life training talks on Sundays before church.  In his last talk, he gave biblical reasons and support for why and how, as Christians, we should handle our finances in a godly manner.  Students have been soaking in the talks and learning about the grace that God has for them in Christ Jesus.
There has also been time for fun events, such as our socials, that are held each Thursday night.  Last week, we enjoyed this time playing beach games.  Students and staff were split into three teams, and competed against one another.  One competition was building a sand castle and creating a story to go along with it.
Overall, this summer has had an excellent start! Everything has gone so smoothly. Everyone has been able to transition well.  The Lord is working in the lives of students, revealing their sin and need for Christ. Already, people have become believers! Many students are ready and eager to continue to grow with community this summer!  It is exciting to see how the Lord will be working!

Prep Party Info

Students, bring your laptops to the prep party tomorrow to register for jobs. This is an email reminder that you are having a MANDATORY Informational/prep party for the Summer Training Project on Friday, May 6 at 6pm at Bethlehem Baptist Church North Campus. If you need a ride, contact a staff member or an older student that will be attending the party.

Dinner will be provided.

We will be filling out a few applications for jobs online, so bring your laptop if you have one. In order to fill out the application, you will also need the following information. 1. Social Security Number 2. Jobs information: - Two references from past employers - those two references’ phone numbers 3. Employment history - bring info about your last 4-6 jobs - the more you put in the better your pay could be 4. Educational Experience - dates you've attended college 5. Special Certificates and Licenses - Commercial Drivers License, automotive licenses, etc. 6. Language Skills - if you are proficient in a 2nd language

Bank Accounts: • Every summer we strongly encourage students to sign up for a local bank account in Myrtle Beach, SC • We can't force you to sign up for an account, but we dont want you to have to pay $10 fee every time you need to cash a check • It generally works very well to have an account in Myrtle Beach before you start your job at project • If you have a wells fargo account, that now works with Wachovia We are providing you the resource tomorrow at the Prep Party to get your account setup before we get to project so you can have your debit/check cards established when you arrive.

Please Bring to PREP PARTY: • Drivers License • 2nd form of ID (Social Security Card | Passport | Birth Certificate)