because this world isn't enough

As of this week, everyone on project is employed. With the staff leaving among other things, this week is proving to be busy in many ways, yet disciples had the opportunity to spend a quiet morning together in prayer. This morning, many of the disciples chose to meet on the beach and pray for the staff and the project. Josh Schrock's team led Theme Training last night. Their movie, "Summer of the Infants" will be uploaded on the site soon as well as Mike Chamber's testimony of how God saved his life. Matt Reagan shared about "Heaven: Homecoming for an Exile" where he explained why Christians could look forward to death and the implications of their eternal home. All of this and more will be uploaded in the weeks to come.

Fresh stuff to check out: -You can <subscribe to our posts via email> by following the link at the top of the column to the right of this post. -Video skits from the last two weeks are online and <can be viewed here>. -Another student testimony by <Samm Ellingson>. -Once again the <sbp09 facebook fanpage> is availiable to those who want to receive updates on fb.
