2013 Theme Training

wednesday has two d's and e's

Mike Polley shared during Theme Training on discipleship, encouraging disciples to keep the chain going. The definition of discipleship is one's intentional living and sharing into another person's life to push them towards Christ. Mike Polley talked about his personal experience as a disciple and a mentor observing that the relationship is not one of tutor and student, but something closer to father and son.

James Gisler's team is leading the theme for this week.The theme is Christmas in July. Disciples on his team will be washing and cleaning the cars on project for the week's encouragement.The Social Time on Thursday will include a white elephant gift exchange, dressing up according to an assigned Christmas theme, plus many more "seasonal" events to celebrate Christmas in July.

the "t" in tuesday is for theme

Elliot Stokes, CO staff for Northwestern College and the leader for the CCP team here, will be giving the theme training today. He will unpack more on what it means for a Christian to be an exile in this world. As mentioned, Garden City Baptist (GCB) has been burned down, so Theme Training will be meeting at the Garden City Chapel (GCC) tonight.For the time being, the people at GCC have graciously offered to let project use their facilities during the week.

During Bible Study Training, Jack Thompson shared that studying the Bible is worship, and that it is a process that takes time and discipline. Disciples also got a chance to walk through 1Peter 3:1-2 together.

sharing is caring

because this world isn't enough

As of this week, everyone on project is employed. With the staff leaving among other things, this week is proving to be busy in many ways, yet disciples had the opportunity to spend a quiet morning together in prayer. This morning, many of the disciples chose to meet on the beach and pray for the staff and the project. Josh Schrock's team led Theme Training last night. Their movie, "Summer of the Infants" will be uploaded on the site soon as well as Mike Chamber's testimony of how God saved his life. Matt Reagan shared about "Heaven: Homecoming for an Exile" where he explained why Christians could look forward to death and the implications of their eternal home. All of this and more will be uploaded in the weeks to come.

Fresh stuff to check out: -You can <subscribe to our posts via email> by following the link at the top of the column to the right of this post. -Video skits from the last two weeks are online and <can be viewed here>. -Another student testimony by <Samm Ellingson>. -Once again the <sbp09 facebook fanpage> is availiable to those who want to receive updates on fb.


The Why

Hello everyone and thank you for visiting our blog once again. Yesterday, as usual, students had the morning off while others had the privilege to work. Many of them took the advantage to rest and read. They also had the opportunity to spend some time meditating on the powerful talk Matt Reagan gave on Tuesday. We would encourage you to download it as well.

Later everyone got ready for evangelism training where Colby Williamson shared with us on “Why Share the Gospel.” Students were truly encouraged and challenged to realize that we do not share the Gospel as a kind of duty, or a certain type of debt that we owe to God. Rather, we evangelize in the light of valuing God. We share the Gospel because it is the most valuable message that a person can give and experience.

As for tonight, project is having social time where students are going to be able to experience a truly southern treat.

Colby and Lindsey Williamson

Theme Night - Gospel for Exiles

Matt Reagan shared with us on Monday night about the gospel of grace.  The gospel is a celebration, but we are unwilling to celebrate (Isaiah 30:15) because of our deceitful hearts.  We want to work for our salvation, but Jesus says in John 6:29 "this is the work of God, that you believe in the One He has sent" [display_podcast]

light you up

Theme Training this week was organized by Jack Thompson's team. After a great video and amazing testimony, Matt Reagan spoke on "Grace: an Exile's Gospel." The Christian life is not one of duty, but of celebration.The recording from this session will be joining the others soon. Eric Lonergan's Bible Study Training  from this week is also availiable online and <can be found here>. A profile album for all SBPers are in the works in the gallery, check back soon for a link to a completed album with all the portraits of the disciples along with their name and information!

SBP also has a facebook page! <SBP09 fb page> follow the link and become a fan to receive updates directly from your fb account!

Theme Night

Today is a work day for many of the students. However, everyone is excited for tonight's Theme Night. Matt Reagan is going to be sharing  about “Grace: An Exile's Gospel.” Pray that God continues  his work and that He might open our eyes to see the beauty of the Gospel.In other areas, last night we were hit by a storm that kept some students awake for a few hours into the night. “It was like a gentle hurricane” said Martha Joy, one of the Team Leaders. The sound of thunder was so loud that it made people jump from their beds. It was a terrifying but glorious experience at the same time. Yesterday during our project meal, students gathered in small groups and prayed for each other's families. It was a wonderful time to share about the good and bad news in our lives.

Praying Time

Theme Night - Exiled

Our first theme talk from Andrew Knight was last Thursday night.  He talked about we are separated from relationship with God because of our sin.  Jesus who died for our sins is our substitute, so that we are called righteous by God.  This is not based on anything that we do (our works), but solely on the work of Jesus Christ.  You can listen to the talk here.  We will be podcasting more talks from beach project as the summer goes on.  Expect more in the coming weeks. [display_podcast]