2013-Theme Training

*Free to Love

Jared Grove in this talk starts off by asking the question Why are we here on this earth? What is our purpose in life and why do we just not go straight to heaven when becoming believers in Christ? He than unpacks this question and helps to answer some of the many questions generated from last weeks missions talks about going into the world and making disciples of all nations.

*The Truth Will Set Them Free

In this theme training Andrew Knight goes through his "Tale of Trees". In this tale Andrew unpacks the transition that humans made in Genesis from being in perfect marriage with God in the garden to separation from him after the fall. And through this Andrew talks about the tree of the cross that restores us to God and brings us to the tree of life so that we can be with God once again. Andrew than ends the talk with the call to missions and the desperate need for missionaries around the world. He encourages the project to pray about missions and sending and going themselves, and ends with an impactful time of meditation and prayer for the world and the brokenness of the world today.

Free to Fail

In this talk Jared Grove talks about our freedom to fail and how forward in faith after failure. Jared begins the talk by defining failure and then unpacking why we are scared of failure. He than breaks out several verses in the Bible that address our fear and insecurity in failure. Jared ends the talk by discussing some practicals that we can do to practice this freedom that we have from failure in Christ.

Relationships Week (Parts One and Two)

Paul & Samm Poteat in this talk about their marriage and unpack several aspects of relationships, marriage, love, and sex from a God honoring perspective. In this they share several lessons they have learned from counseling other couples as well as from their own marriage. 

Paul and Samm continue their talk on relationships by addressing more topics such as physical-ness in relationships, out looks and appearance, being honest and open in a relationship, as well as other areas. They explore these topics using examples from their own lives, and experiences that they have had to shed light on what God calls us to do in friendships and relationships alike.

Walking Freely

In this talk Mike Polley discusses what it means to live as a Christian. He talks about this in terms of walking and fighting and what it means to walk freely while fighting at the same time. Finally Polley ends the talk by talking about the motivations to walk with Christ and how we should think and feel about our walk with God

Free from Self

In this talk Mike Polley discusses the our hearts as sinful people. He walks through 4 points each to do with our hearts and desires. First he talks about our sinful hearts, than how we all have dead hearts, followed by the self destructive nature of our hearts, and finally the freedom we have in Christ from our own hearts.

2013 STP Project Reflection

This was a talk given by Matt Reagan only a couple days after the disciples arrived. In it Matt poses the question “Are you a Christian?”. A simple yet profound question that Matt breaks down into 4 simpler questions that we should ask ourselves. In this he challenges everyone to ask themselves these questions and to journal, talk, and pray about them.