Leaders Training

*Free to be Friends

In this leaders training Jake Fletcher talks about our need as leaders on project to not only lead our disciples but to listen and engage them. He prefaces this talk with the statement "you are set free from the burdens of leadership positions through the gospel centered freedom of servant hearted leadership to be friends with disciples". A long intro to be sure, but one that helped to outline our freedoms from the burden of leadership and to just simply love on and engage the disciples on project.

*Elijah: Great Courage and Great Fear

In this talk, Dan walked us through the story of Elijah when he challenged the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18-19. Elijah showed both great courage in the Lord and in trusting the Lord to show Himself when he challenged the prophets of Baal, but he also showed great fear in running from Queen Jezebel when he saw that God's mighty miracle did not cause the whole nation to repent. Dan drew out a number of comforts from the story: 1. God is more committed to His glory than we are. 2. God will break your arm to show you more of Himself. 3. All things work together for your good if you are in Christ and called according to His purposes.

Conclusion: Take "risks"! Our God is Yahweh, so jump into the story.

Encouraging vs. Flattering Your People

From 1 Thessalonians 2:5-12 Jack Thompson begins by showing us the two pitfalls of flattery: saying what we don’t need to say in people pleasing and refraining from saying what we need to say because of our fear of people. Encouragement is different from flattery because it is not self-seeking or even other-seeking, but because it is gospel-seeking. True encouragement points people towards God.