Working to rest

For a lot of students on project, today has reflected this morning’s message at Life Training. At 8:45 before church, Mike Polley talked about working to rest, saying that Christ has given us rest in the gospel.

“Stay in the rest that we’ve been given,” he said.

At this point at Project, weariness has started to set in for many people. Full-time jobs and nightly project activities, for some, make schedules much busier than what is normal.

Mike reminded us how we have already received ultimate rest, and how we have the opportunity to give it to others.

“Only Christians can share eternal rest,” he said.

He also went into some helpful tips about working and resting, explaining how there is a rest in remembering that God sanctifies us.

So today, in a very practical sense, people have been resting. Many have visited the beach in the 95-degree weather, and the local coffee shop has had people in and out of it all day.

Here are the tips Mike gave everyone to think about when it comes to work and rest:

1. Know yourself.

When it comes to a work ethic, are you on the lazy end or the over-working, anxious side?

2. Get good sleep.

3. Be efficient in the use of time.

Be devoted to work when you work and be devoted to sleep when you sleep. This will result in better work and better rest.

4. Be thankful.

“When you’re thankful, you’re awake to the gift you’ve been given?”

5. Take a day off.

This doesn’t mean sleeping all day. It’s a day for whatever is refreshing. This may be going for a run, taking a nap, or reading a book. It depends on the person.

6. Pace yourself.

You don’t always need to go 100 percent. It’s OK to run at a slower pace that can last.

7. Make a weekly schedule.

Schedule a time to rest, and make sure to make it a priority.